Leaders in
Geological, Resource and
Mining Consulting
How can we help?
Mining Associates Consulting Network provides leading geological, resource and mining consultancy services worldwide from its head office in Brisbane. Through its large network of experienced professionals, Mining Associates can assemble skilled teams to provide expert technical advice across a wide range of mineral commodities, geological settings and mining methods.
Our capabilities range from exploration and metallurgy to feasibility studies, due diligence, mining operations, process engineering and mergers and acquisitions.
Our clients include exploration and mining companies, private investors, financial institutions, stockbrokers, law firms and auditors.
Our network of associate consultants are recognised as experienced industry professionals, competent persons for all major stock exchanges and are skilled in JORC and NI 43-101 reporting.
A connected global Associate network: We have the team that is right for your project.
Our consultants have worked across a wide spectrum of mineral commodities, geological settings and mining methods on a diverse range of projects both within Australia and Internationally
Competent and Qualified Persons for:
Exploration Geology
Project Generation
Structural and Mapping Geology
QA/QC protocols
Independent Technical Reports (JORC-2012, NI 43-101)
Competent and Qualified Persons for:
Resource Estimation
Independent Technical Reports (JORC-2012, NI 43-101)
Database Audits
Independent Resource Reviews
Competent and Qualified Persons for:
Ore Reserves
Project and Mine Management
Fixed and Mobile Plant Asset Management
Mine Design
Process Engineering
Mine Geology
Grade Control
Due Diligence and Audits
Mergers and Acquisitions
Valuations (VALMIN 2015, CIMVal 2019)
Restructure and Change Management
Operational Review
Legal and Contracts
Expert Witness​
System Competencies:
Mine Geology & Management
Structural & Geology Mapping (in pit and underground)
Resource Extension Near Mine Exploration
Auditable Grade Control System
Grade Estimation & Ore Block Mark Outs
Mine to Mill Reconciliation
Competent and Qualified Persons for:
Metallurgical and Mine studies
Feasibility Studies
Pre-Feasibility and Scoping Studies
Independent Technical and Expert Reports for major exchanges (ASX, TSX, AIM, HKSE)
Independent Technical and Expert Reports for IPO’s
Commodity Expertise
Precious Metals
gold, silver, platinum group elements (Au, Ag, PGM)
Base Metals
copper, lead, zinc (Cu, Pb, Zn)
Bulk Commodities
iron ore, bauxite (Fe, Al)
Steel Industry Metals
nickel, chrome, titanium, vanadium, molybdenum, manganese (Ni, Cr, Ti, V, Mo, Mn)
Rare Metals
tin, tungsten, bismuth, cobalt, rare earth elements & others (Sn, W, Bi, Co, REE)
Industrial & Construction
clay, sand, dimension stone, limestone, fluorite, potash, phosphate & others
coal, gas, uranium, oil, shale
diamonds, gems & others